Microcurrent Therapy

What is Microcurrent?
Microcurrent is a physical therapy modality in use now for over 30 years. Microcurrent is electrical current measured in millionths of an amp (microamps). By comparison, a “TENS Unit” (and most other electro-therapies) are measured in milliamps or thousandths of an amp. Living cells produce electrical current in the microamp range.
How does Frequency Specific Microcurrent work?
Your body’s cells utilize certain Microcurrent frequencies to increase energy production. “Microcurrent increases the production of ATP (cellular energy molecules) by up to 500%. It also increases protein synthesis and waste product removal.” --Cheng, 1987
How do the frequencies work?
Simply put—the phenomenon may be referred to as “biological resonance.” (As an example: A singer’s voice can shatter a glass when the note—frequency resonates with the crystal structure of the glass.) Microcurrent frequencies resonate with biological tissue only at specified frequencies. Upon utilizing the proper frequency, the tissue is changed and over time it becomes stable. With nutritional and extra antioxidant support, the tissue is encouraged to stay in the new configuration.
Why can’t I feel it?
The current is so low it doesn’t stimulate sensory nerves.
Why does the practitioner adjust the Microcurrent frequency during treatment?
Specific frequencies address specific tissues within the body. We have good empirical evidence and some biochemical data that show changes in body tissues are consistent with the frequencies we apply. In treatments for acute and chronic pain, practitioners and clients alike consistently notice a softening of tissue when the “correct” frequency is chosen. Not only is pain relief long-lasting in most people, in many cases it becomes permanent.
Do the benefits last?
Changes to muscle cells, nerves and other tissue have proven to be long-lasting. About 60-80% of the changes attained in one treatment last until the next treatment (if applied within 7 days). Muscles and other tissue have become used to their old configuration and often must be treated multiple times. Proper nutrition is of great help in maintaining a long-term, healthy configuration. Although some patients see improvement in one treatment, the average number of treatments depends on the complexity and type of problem.
Is there any risk?
There is no record of any permanent harm done to anyone treated with Frequency Specific Microcurrent. The current should not be used on women actively seeking pregnancy or who are pregnant. Individuals with cardiac pacemakers may be treated with permission from the manufacturer of the pacemaker.
What are the side effects? Microcurrent changes the muscle tissue removing long-stored waste products and increasing cellular metabolism so quickly that there is often a strong detoxification response after treatment. Some individuals have a similar reaction after a massage. But the cellular response after a Microcurrent treatment is stronger because more detoxification is accomplished in a shorter period of time. Detox side effects can include discomforts such as nausea, fatigue, drowsiness, and occasionally a temporary increase in aches and pains. The side effects often start about 90 minutes after treatment and may last from 4 to 24 hours. Although not everyone experiences side effects, any side effects experienced are commonly an indication of the level of toxicity ejected from the cells being treated.
What can I do about side effects?
Your doctor/therapist may give you nutritional supplements to help your liver better handle cellular detox by-products. You should drink at least two quarts of water in the two hours following your treatment. If you feel the side effects return, drink more water and take additional supplements. Although the effects are not dangerous, they should pass in approximately 20 minutes. Some treatments do not produce detox reactions.
If you have any other questions or concerns, be sure to ask your practitioner. Remember to relax, drink plenty of water, and enjoy the relief made possible by Frequency Specific Microcurrent.
How do I prepare for my treatment?
Microcurrent therapy is most effective when there is plenty of water in the body. Drinking 32oz of water in the 3 hours before treatment can help you have better results.
What conditions/issues can Microcurrent help?
- Irritable bowel conditions
- Tendonitis
- Arthritis
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Nerve pain
- Neuropathy
- Muscle pain
- Tendon pain
- Carpal tunnel
- Tarsal tunnel
- Ulnar neuropathy
- Tennis Elbow
- Ligament sprains
- Muscle Injuries
- Acute injuries
- Concussions
- Disc pain
- Facet pain
- Low back pain
- Gall bladder pain
- Organ issues
- Organ inflammation
- Anti-aging
- Non-surgical facelift
- Acne treatment
- Accelerated wound healing
- General healing
- Gastritis
- Bronchitis
- Anxiety
- Sleep disturbance
- Relaxation
- Lymph
- Lymphedema
- Ulcerative colitis
- Leaky gut
- Kidney stone pain
- Improve digestion
- Sinusitis
- Chronic sinus conditions
- Acute sinus conditions
- Chronic infections
- Shingles
- Lymes disease
- Immune system support
- Thyroid support
- Adrenal support
- Emotional conditions
- Stress reduction